About Us

Tablet PC now part of ASI

Tablet PC is now part of ASI Solutions

We are delighted to announce that we are now part of ASI Solutions, a business technology and IT solutions provider, offering hardware, software and managed services. A family owned and run company since 1985, ASI serves clients in NSW, ACT, Queensland, Victoria, South Australia and New Zealand, providing technology solutions to the Education, Government, Corporate, Retail and Health sectors.

ASI aligns strongly to Tablet PC’s company ethics, structure and future direction and we are thrilled by this new direction and the opportunities it will offer our staff and client base. 

Learn more about ASI Solutions


Tablet PC is a trusted supplier to Australia's largest companies like Rio Tinto, SP Ausnet, Newcrest, BMA Mining, Melbourne Water and Veolia as well as hundreds of Local, State and Federal Government organisations.

We also look after thousands of small businesses right across Australia.   

Be sure before buying!

Call us before you buy to find out if our tablets are right for you. Our people have unmatched product knowledge and first hand experience using tablets. We have hands on experience with thousands of customers across hundreds of industries.

We know what works and what doesn't. So call us first for the best advice, knowledge and support!

Local Product - Fully Supported Local Warranty.

We never parallel import! All of our Tablets are locally sourced with full manufacturers Australian warranty.

All of our Tablets can be fully serviced and repaired right here in Australia. That means that you'll never have to wait for dodgy overseas repair jobs when something goes wrong.

We are the Tablet PC Locals!

Our head office is in Melbourne, but we also have Tablet PC Offices in Sydney and on the Gold Coast, plus we regularly visit Adelaide and Perth and everywhere else in between to service our Tablet PC customers! We ship Tablet PC accessories Australia wide, usually overnight via Toll. Our range of Tablet PC Supplies includes:

Our range of Tablets and accessories is ever expanding. If it's not on our site, tell us about it and we'll see if we can get it for you.

Affiliate Marketing Programs

When we love a product, we will recommend it to you! Across our Social Media platforms (Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter), or on our Blog, you may come across our suggested product links. These links may be affiliate links. Meaning, when you buy through these links we may earn a commission. This is at no extra cost to you. We appreciate every bit of support we can get. Currently, we are part of (or have applied to be part of) the below Affiliate Programs:



Adobe: Tradedoubler 3220553

For all marketing inquiries, please contact Olivia: olivia@tabletpc.com.au

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